Team Page
Team program is a competitive and developmental lacrosse experience that provides players with the tools to develop their fundamental skills as well as individual concepts necessary to take their game to the next level. The Bandits will have 3 in spring league play.
These team are for 3rd-8th grade girls.

Spring Season 2017
Address: …. Lake Forest College (behind Hockey Arena), Sheridan Rd. & Maplewood, Lake Forest, IL 60045
Regular Practices :Mondays & Wednesdays
Games: Saturdays
LF College Practices begin: Tues., March 12th
Outdoor Practices begin: April 3rd, 6:15 PM-7:45PM
Practices end: June 3rd,
Please pick up and drop off players in a timely manner!
7th/ 8th grade Team Fee – $395 For girls in 8th grade
6th grade Team Fee – $395 For girls in 6th grade
4th / 5th grades Team Fee – $325 For girls in 4th/5th grade
All team fees include: 2 team practice per week, 7-8 Saturday league games, and game uniforms.
Players are responsible for their own equipment (Lacrosse stick, mouthguard, cleats, and goggles)