A message from Coach Caroline

I hope that everyone is enjoying a wonderful start to the week and taking some time to soak up the sunshine! It’s amazing to think that yesterday already marked the third week of our Spring season. The girls have been working hard across the board, and we are looking forward to our first games!
While our 7th and 8th graders have been working diligently to hone their dodging skills and develop a deeper understanding of defensive play, the 5th and 6th grade teams are engaged in a balancing act of improving the fundamentals while also becoming more comfortable working as a unit in game-like situations. Our goal for our youngest players is to foster a love of the game and get them excited about coming to practice and participating in competitive play. While it can sometimes seem like a slow process, it is imperative that we get the young g-laxers comfortable and confident, and we utilize lots of team-building and games to accomplish these goals.
For all of the teams at all grade-levels, I encourage players, coaches, and parents alike to trust in the process and know that the best-interest of the girls is at the forefront of all we do on the lacrosse field. Our program is dedicated to teaching lacrosse and inspiring our players to train hard and become the best lacrosse players they can be. Our mission is also dedicated to the social-emotional well-being of our players. We stand to support them and their needs as teammates and friends, and perhaps our top priority is that they love lacrosse and use the game as a positive outlet to engage with others and grow into the beautiful young women they are bound to be!
Cheesey!? Totally! True?! Completely! I try not to send out too much communication and generally leave that to Coach John, but sometimes I feel the urge to let you know how much we appreciate your partnership with the Bandits and adore working with your daughters. We are committed to their growth, and are always happy to speak with you about your child’s development in the program. Please feel free to reach out if you have any specific questions and have a terrific Tuesday.
Warmest Regards,
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